As it is known, climate change is an important problem that closely concerns the world in terms of its effects and consequences. Climate change is among the main threats to marine and coastal ecosystems. Understanding how the structure and functioning of ecosystems are affected by warming oceans and seas is important for developing strong management and conservation strategies. While temperature increases and increased carbon dioxide as a result of climate change may seem to have a positive effect on the quantity of agricultural products in some regions in the short term, in the long term, these components can cause reductions in product quality and production quantity. Since carbon is the most basic component that gives vitality to the soil ecosystem, carbon ratios decline in parallel with vitality. At this point, restorative agriculture offers us an excellent solution opportunity. Some of the restorative agriculture techniques are    “No-tillage agriculture, Compost and compost tea/extract, Biochar, Animal integration, Ecological water culture, Organic perennial crop production and Agroforestry”